La Sierra University Transfer

The following transfer equivalency listings are a guideline for unofficial review. Final transfer decisions are made by the records office.


LSU-to-WWU Transfer Course Equivalency

LSU Class

WWU Equivalent


ACCT 221Financial Accounting IACCT 201Prin of Accounting
ACCT 222Financial Accounting IINOEQ 199No Equivalency


ANTH 215Cultural AnthropologyANTH 225Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 215EMulticultural BritainANTH 215EMulti Cultrl: Anthro Approach


ARCH 216Great Discoveries/ArchaeologyANTH 199Transfer Elective
ARCH 445Old Testament ArchaeologyRELB 398Transfer General Studies


ART 321IFashion DesignART 321IFashion Design
ART 335IHistory of Italian ArtART 335IHistory of Italian Art
ART 341IPainting Styles and TechniquesNOEQ 199No Equivalency


ARTA 205Introduction to ArtART 251Intro to Art
ARTA 205The Language of ArtART 251Intro to Art
ARTA 208EFine Arts I: Medieval - BaroqueARTH 208EFn Art I: Medieval to Baroque
ARTA 309Art Hist: Baroque ModernART 325Hist of World Art
ARTA 310Art History Modern ArtART 398HTransfer General Studies - Hum


ARTS 115 Design PrinciplesART 161Design
ARTS 116Color for Artists & DesignersART 162Design
ARTS 117Creative Visual ThinkingART 163Design
ARTS 194PS/Illustrator Image CreationGRPH 199Transfer Elective
ARTS 194BPhotoshop & Illustrator BasicsGRPH 199Transfer Elective
ARTS 255Photography (Digital)PHTO 156Prin of Photography
ARTS 264Images on FabricART 199Transfer Elective
ARTS 274BCeramics/Hand-BuildingART 284Intro to Pottery I
ARTS 394GMotion GraphicsGRPH 199Transfer Elective


BIOL 107Human BiologyBIOL 199Transfer Elective
BIOL 111General Biology IBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 111AGeneral Biology SeminarNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BIOL 111LGeneral Biology I LabBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 111LGeneral Biology LabBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 112General Biology IIBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 112LGeneral Biology II LabBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 113General Biology IIIBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 113LGeneral Biology III LabBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 131Human Anatomy & Physio IBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 131Human Anatomy & Physio IBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 131Human Anatomy & Physio IBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 131LHuman Anatomy & Physio I LabBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 132Human Anatomy & Physio IIBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 132Human Anatomy & Physio IIBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 132Human Anatomy & Physio IIBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 132LHumna Anatomy & Physio II LabBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 185Basic Medical MicrobiologyBIOL 222Microbiology
BIOL 185Basic Medical MicrobiologyBIOL 222Microbiology
BIOL 185LBasic Medical Microbiology LabBIOL 222Microbiology
BIOL 221Tools & Methods in Biology IBIOL 199Transfer Elective
BIOL 222Tools and Methods IIBIOL 199Transfer Elective
BIOL 301Cell/Molecular BiologyBIOL 399Transfer Elective
BIOL 302GeneticsBIOL 393Cell Biol II:Genetics,Moleculr
BIOL 302LGenetics Project LabBIOL 393Cell Biol II:Genetics,Moleculr
BIOL 303Developmental BiologyBIOL 435Developmental Biology
BIOL 327Survey of Biology PrinciplesBIOL 398Transfer General Studies
BIOL 327Survey of Biology PrinciplesBIOL 399Transfer Elective
BIOL 466Systems PhysiologyBIOL 399Transfer Elective
BIOL 474General MicrobiologyBIOL 445Adv Microbiology


BUAD 381Business Law IGBUS 361Business Law I


CFSC 266Learning Experiences for Young ChildrenNOEQ 199No Equivalency


CHEM 101Intro Inorganic ChemCHEM 101Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 101LIntro Inorganic Chem I LabCHEM 101Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 102Intro Organic ChemCHEM 102Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 102LIntro Organic Chem II LabCHEM 102Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 103Intro BiochemistryCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CHEM 103LIntro Biochemistry LabCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CHEM 105Introductory Chemistry ICHEM 101Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 105LIntroductory Chemistry I LabCHEM 101Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 106Introductory Chemistry IICHEM 102Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 106LIntroductory Chemistry II LabCHEM 102Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 111General Chemistry ICHEM 141General Chemistry
CHEM 111LGeneral Chemistry I LabCHEM 144General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 111LGeneral Chemistry I LabCHEM 144General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 112General Chemistry IICHEM 142General Chemistry
CHEM 112LGeneral Chemistry II LabCHEM 145General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 112LGeneral Chemistry LabCHEM 145General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 113General Chemistry IIICHEM 143General Chemistry
CHEM 113LGeneral Chemistry III LabCHEM 146General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 121Introductory Chemistry ICHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CHEM 271Organic Chemistry ICHEM 199Transfer Elective
CHEM 281Organic Chemistry ICHEM 199Transfer Elective


COMM 104Fundamentals of SpeechSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
COMM 170Experience CommunicationCOMM 199Transfer Elective
COMM 238Intro Writing for Print MediaNOEQ 199No Equivalency
COMM 244Interpersonal CommunicationSPCH 199Transfer Elective


CPTG 121Intro/Computer Science ICPTR 141Fundamentals of Programming I
CPTG 121Introduction Computer Science ICPTR 141Fundamentals of Programming I
CPTG 122Introduction to Computer Science IICPTR 142Fundamentals of Programming II


DENT 103Intro to DentistryDENT 199Transfer Pre-dental Course


DRAM 246EIntro to ActingDRMA 199Transfer Elective
DRAM 297ADrama Production: PerformanceDRMA 252Performance


ECON 254Principles of MacroeconomicsECON 211Prin of Macroeconomics
ECON 255Principles of MicroeconomicsECON 210Prin of Microeconomics


EDCI 204Teach/Multi Cultural ClassroomEDUC 199Transfer Elective
EDCI 204Teach/Multi Cultural ClassroomEDUC 210Foundations of Educ
EDCI 408Teaching Stud Missionary PrepNOEQ 399No Equivalency
EDCI 409Teaching Stud Missionary FldwrkNOEQ 399No Equivalency
EDCI 413Computers in the CurriculumEDUC 315Technology in Education
EDCI 417Cult/Society/Religion & EthicsEDUC 381T&L: Religion Methods
EDCI 417Cult/Society/Religion & EthicsEDUC 382T&L: Social Studies
EDCI 464Special Ed in Regular ClassroomSPED 405Teaching the Exceptional Child
EDCI 498Teaching Performance SeminarNOEQ 399No Equivalency
EDCI 506Learning and AssessmentEDUC 599Transfer Course
EDCI 589A6Sem: Exceed Stem EducationEDUC 599Transfer Course
EDCI 695DSeminar in Educational TechEDUC 599Transfer Course


EDFO 305Psychological Foundations of EducationPSYC 399Transfer Elective


ENGL 111College Writing IENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 111College WritingENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 111Freshman EnglishENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 112College Writing IIENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 112College WritingENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 112Freshman EnglishENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 1133College Writing IIIENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 113College Writing IIIENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 113College WritingENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 113Freshman EnglishENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 124Freshman Seminar/WritingENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 205Intro to Creative WritingWRIT 199Transfer Elective
ENGL 206Intro to LiteratureENGL 204Intro to Literature
ENGL 210Survey/Brit Lit I: To 1600ENGL 210Survey of British & Amer Lit
ENGL 212Survey of British Literature III: 1800-1890ENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENGL 225American Literature II: 1860 - PresentENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENGL 231Survey/Brit Lit I: Md Ages - 17CENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENGL 231Survey/Brit Lit IENGL 198Transfer Elective
ENGL 232Survey Brit II: 18C - PresentENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENGL 233Survey of American LiteratureENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENGL 254Introduction to FictionENGL 199Transfer Elective
ENGL 285English ColloquiumENGL 199Transfer Elective
ENGL 300EBritish Literary Texts on FilmENGL 300EBrit Lit Texts on Film & Location I
ENGL 304Adv Expository WritingWRIT 399Transfer Writing Course
ENGL 304Advanced Expository WritingWRIT 324Creative Nonfiction Writing
ENGL 330EEnglish Literature in ContextENGL 330EEngl Lit in Context I
ENGL 405FThe Long ProjectENGL 399Transfer Elective
ENGL 415ALit for Children Pre 1940ENGL 374Lit for Chldrn & Young Adults
ENGL 484Language and LinguisticsNOEQ 399No Equivalency


EXCS 414Principles of CoachingPETH 360Adv Principles of Coaching


EXSC 101Swimming I (Non-Swimmer)PEAC 113Beginning Swimming
EXSC 106Scuba DivingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
EXSC 107Water AerobicsPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
EXSC 108Life GuardingPEAC 107Lifeguard Training
EXSC 109Swimming Instructor TrainingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
EXSC 115Swim for FitnessPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
EXSC 118Circuit TrainingPEAC 123Circuit Weight Training
EXSC 132SnowboardingPEAC 164Downhill Skiing/Snowboarding
EXSC 161BadmintonPEAC 142Badminton
EXSC 165Tennis IPEAC 146Tennis
EXSC 177BackpackingPEAC 157Backpacking
EXSC 180Rock Climbing IIPEAC 161Rock Climbing
EXSC 183Aerobic Rhythms IPEAC 133Aerobic Rhythm
EXSC 196PPickleballPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
EXSC 216ACPRHLTH 217First Aid
EXSC 254Concepts & Apps of FitnessPETH 199Transfer Elective
EXSC 291Individual Activities IIPETH 199Transfer Elective
EXSC 304Technique Theory of VolleyballPETH 399Transfer Elective
EXSC 344Special EducationNOEQ 399No Equivalency
EXSC 354Methods of Fitness InstructionPETH 399Transfer Elective
EXSC 384Elementary School Physical EdPETH 473Tchng Elem Hlth & PE
EXSC 408Management Physical Ed/SportPETH 484Admin of Hlth, Phys Ed & Recr
EXSC 418CMovement Cultural PerspectivePETH 399Transfer Elective
EXSC 424BiomechanicsPETH 399Transfer Elective
EXSC 426Exercise PhysiologyPETH 426Exercise Physiology
EXSC 427Motor LearningNOEQ 399No Equivalency
EXSC 444Physio Assessment Exercise PrePETH 399Transfer Elective
EXSC 444Physio Assessment Exercise PrescriptionNOEQ 399No Equivalency
EXSC 485Practicum in CoachingPETH 366Coaching Practicum


FLTV 104Editing for BeginnersFLTV 199Transfer Elective
FLTV 105Intro to EditingFILM 199Transfer Elective
FLTV 110Short ScriptwritingFILM 199Transfer Elective
FLTV 118History of Moving PicturesFILM 198Transfer General Studies
FLTV 118History of Moving PicturesFILM 199Transfer Elective
FLTV 130Field Production AudioCOMM 199Transfer Elective
FLTV 130Production SoundCOMM 199Transfer Elective
FLTV 330Editing for StoryFILM 399Transfer Elective
FLTV 427ColloquiumNOEQ 399No Equivalency


FNCE 104Personal Financial ManagementFINA 101Personal Finance


GEOG 276Physical and Human GeographyGEOG 252World Geography
GEOG 311Geography of SpainGEOG 311SGeography of Spain


GLST 102Colloquium: Perspectives/PracCOMM 199Transfer Elective


HIST 105Western Intellectual TraditionHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HIST 109US History Since 1877HIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HIST 232History & Aesthetics of CinemaHIST 199Transfer Elective
HIST 301History of SpainHIST 301SHist of Spain
HIST 302History of SpainHIST 302SHist of Spain
HIST 303History of SpainHIST 303SHist of Spain
HIST 430RPopular Culture in the United StatesHIST 399Transfer Elective
HIST 432RSocial/Critical Movements/FilmHIST 399Transfer Elective


HLED 214Dimensions of HealthHLTH 110Wellness for Living
HLED 214Dimensions of HealthHLTH 205Survey of Health
HLED 215Intro to Athletic TrainingPETH 199Transfer Elective


HLSC 120Lifetime FitnessHLTH 198Transfer General Studies
HLSC 120Lifetime FitnessPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
HLSC 125Basic NutritionHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HLSC 130Medical TerminologyNRSG 234Medical Terminology
HLSC 214Dimensions of HealthHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HLSC 214Dimensions of HealthHLTH 205Survey of Health
HLSC 317Health, Society and ConsumerHLTH 399Transfer Elective
HLSC 429Measurement and EvaluationHLTH 399Transfer Elective


HMEC 315IThe Art of TailoringHMEC 315IThe Art of Tailoring


HNRS 104Fr Hnr Sem/Hum Bng & SocHONR 199Transfer Elective


HPSC 101Colloquium: Intro/DisciplineCOMM 199Transfer Elective
HPSC 104Global Interactions/ColumbusHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HPSC 106Race/Ethn/Class in Amer HisSOCI 236Privilege & Oppression
HPSC 106Race/Ethn/Class in Amer HistSOCI 236Privilege & Oppression
HPSC 274American GovernmentPLSC 199Transfer Elective
HPSC 274American GovernmentPLSC 224Amer Government
HPSC 274Construct of Amer Pol LifePLSC 224Amer Government


HUMN 104Exploring Amer Cult/Lit/FilmHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
HUMN 105Amer Cult/Vis/Perform ArtsHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
HUMN 106Perspective on Modern CultureHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
HUMN 109Migrants/Refugees/ExilesSOCI 198Transfer General Studies
HUMN 204Exploring Amer Cult./Lit/FilmHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
HUMN 204Exploring Amer Cult/Lit/FilmHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
HUMN 205Amer Cult/Vis/Perform ArtsHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
HUMN 206Perspectives on Modern CultureNOEQ 199No Equivalency


ITLN 111IPhoneticsITLN 111IItalian Phonetics
ITLN 151IBeginning GrammarITLN 151IElementary Grammar
ITLN 181IBeginning ConversationITLN 181IElementary Conversation


KORE 151Beginning Korean IMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
KORE 152Beginning Korean IIMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
KORE 153Beginning Korean IIIMDLG 198Transfer General Studies


LBST 105Sem in Multi Subj/Teach CredenNOEQ 199No Equivalency
LBST 105Sem in Multi Subj/Teach CredenNOEQ 199No Equivalency


MATH 121College AlgebraMATH 121Precalculus I
MATH 122Trigonometry/Analytic GeometryMATH 122Precalculus II
MATH 122Trigonometry/Analytical GeometryMATH 122Precalculus II
MATH 131Calculus IMATH 181Calculus I
MATH 132Calculus IIMATH 281Calculus II
MATH 133Calculus IIIMATH 282Calculus III
MATH 155Introductory StatisticsMATH 106Intro to Statistics
MATH 155Introductory StatisticsMATH 206Intro to Statistics
MATH 202Concepts of Math IIMATH 113Math for Elem Teachers II
MATH 231Linear Alg/Discrete MathMATH 199Transfer Elective
MATH 233Vector CalculusMATH 283Calculus IV
MATH 276Discrete MathMATH 250Discrete Mathematics
MATH 296Topic: Intro to Stats SoftwareNOEQ 199No Equivalency


MDCN 204Intro to MedicineNOEQ 199No Equivalency


MGMT 219Business ColloquiumGBUS 199Transfer Elective
MGMT 304Management & Org BehaviorMGMT 371Prin of Management
MGMT 304The Practice of ManagementMGMT 371Prin of Management
MGMT 327Information Systems MgmtCIS 301Info Sys & Business Intel
MGMT 347Legal Environment of BusinessGBUS 399Transfer Elective
MGMT 356Human Resource ManagementMGMT 376Human Resource Management


MKTG 305Marketing PrinciplesMKTG 381Prin of Marketing


MUCT 105Introduction to Music TheoryMUCT 111Intro to Music Theory
MUCT 112Music Theory IAMUCT 121Theory I
MUCT 112LMusic Theory IA LaboratoryMUCT 121Theory I


MUED 294Vocal MethodsMUED 199Transfer Elective
MUED 315Music in the ClassroomMUED 394Music in the Elementary School


MUHL 205Music AppreciationMUHL 124Intro to Music
MUHL 338Music/Non-Western CultureMUHL 398Transfer General Studies
MUHL 339Contemp/Popular StylesMUHL 398Transfer General Studies


MUPF 105AGroup Piano Class IMUPF 117Class Instruction
MUPF 106ABeginning Voice Class IMUPF 117Class Instruction
MUPF 124A7PianoMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 124APianoMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 125AViolinMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 126AFluteMUPF 127Applied Music: Electric Bass
MUPF 224APianoMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 277AUniversity ChoraleMUPF 215University Singers
MUPF 277AUniversity SingersMUPF 215University Singers
MUPF 286Wind EnsembleMUPF 285Brass Ensemble
MUPF 377AUniversity ChoraleMUPF 215University Singers


NEUR 448NeuroanatomyNOEQ 399No Equivalency
NEUR 466NeuropharmacologyNOEQ 399No Equivalency


NSCI 404Humans and the EnvironmentNOEQ 399No Equivalency
NSCI 405Sci Thinking & Religious BeliefsNOEQ 399No Equivalency
NSCI 406Nature and Human ValuesNOEQ 399No Equivalency


OMGT 335CLotus 1-2-3 INOEQ 199No Equivalency


PEAC 101PE Act - Swimming IPEAC 113Beginning Swimming
PEAC 108PE Act - LifeguardingPEAC 107Lifeguard Training
PEAC 109PE Act - Water SafetyPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 112PE Act - Weight Training IPEAC 123Circuit Weight Training
PEAC 112Weight Training IPEAC 123Circuit Weight Training
PEAC 120PE Act - Lifetime FitnessHLTH 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 120PE Act - Lifetime FitnessPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 120PE Act-Lifetime FitnessHLTH 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 120PE Act-Lifetime FitnessPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 122PE Act - Weight Training IIPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 130PE Act - Skiing IPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 132Snowboarding IPEAC 164Downhill Skiing/Snowboarding
PEAC 153PE Act - FutsalPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 165PE Act - Tennis IPEAC 146Tennis
PEAC 171PE Act - Golf IPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 290Individual Activities IPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 291Individual Activities IIPEAC 198Transfer General Studies


PETH 301Tech & Theory of FlagballPETH 399Transfer Elective
PETH 302Tech & Theory of SoccerPETH 399Transfer Elective
PETH 303Tech & Theory of BasketballPETH 399Transfer Elective
PETH 304Tech & Theory of VolleyballNOEQ 399No Equivalency
PETH 305Tech & Theory of Base/SoftballPETH 399Transfer Elective
PETH 306Tech & Theory of Track & FieldPETH 399Transfer Elective
PETH 344Special EducationPETH 324Adapted Physical Education
PETH 384Elementary School Physical EducationPETH 399Transfer Elective


PHIL 105Western Intellectual TraditionsPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHIL 208LogicPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHIL 319Contemporary ThoughtPHIL 398Transfer General Studies


PHYS 117Introduction to PhysicsPHYS 198Transfer General Studies
PHYS 117Introduction to PhysicsPHYS 201Conceptual Physics
PHYS 117Introduction to PhysicsPHYS 204Conceptual Physics Lab
PHYS 117LIntroduction to Physics LabPHYS 201Conceptual Physics
PHYS 117LIntroduction to Physics LabPHYS 204Conceptual Physics Lab
PHYS 118Health Science PhysicsPHYS 198Transfer General Studies
PHYS 231AGeneral Physics IPHYS 211Gen Physics
PHYS 231BGeneral Physics IPHYS 251Prin of Physics
PHYS 231LGeneral Physics I LabPHYS 214Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 231LGeneral Physics I LabPHYS 254Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 232AGeneral Physics IIPHYS 212Gen Physics
PHYS 232BGeneral Physics IIPHYS 252Prin of Physics
PHYS 232LGeneral Physics II LabPHYS 215Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 232LGeneral Physics II LabPHYS 255Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 233AGeneral Physics IIIPHYS 213Gen Physics
PHYS 233BGeneral Physics IIIPHYS 253Prin of Physics
PHYS 233LGeneral Physics III LabPHYS 216Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 233LGeneral Physics III LabPHYS 256Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 304AstronomyASTR 398Transfer General Studies
PHYS 304AstronomyASTR 399Transfer Elective
PHYS 344Quantum PhysicsPHYS 422Quantum Mechanics


PLSC 190Hist Trials/Modern AppPLSC 199Transfer Elective
PLSC 225Introduction to LawPLSC 199Transfer Elective
PLSC 316Comparative GovernmentPLSC 399Transfer Elective


PSYC 104General Psychology- Social SciencePSYC 130General Psychology
PSYC 104General Psychology- Social SciencePSYC 140Intro to Psyc:Social Foundatns
PSYC 104General Psychology- Social SciencePSYC 130General Psychology
PSYC 104General PsychologyPSYC 130General Psychology
PSYC 104LGeneral Psychology LabPSYC 130General Psychology
PSYC 105General Psychology- Biological SciencePSYC 141IntroPsyc:Biological Foundtns
PSYC 204Quantitative PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 219ColloquiumPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 219Psychology ColloquiumPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 224Dev Psyc - Childhood & AdolescencePSYC 215Developmental Psychology
PSYC 234Developmental PsychologyPSYC 215Developmental Psychology
PSYC 234LDevelopmental Psychology LabPSYC 215Developmental Psychology
PSYC 251Social PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 251Social PsychologyPSYC 344Social Psychology
PSYC 251LSocial Psychology LabPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 251LSocial Psychology LabPSYC 344Social Psychology
PSYC 261Physiological PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 261LPhysiological Psychology LabPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 304Social PsychologyPSYC 344Social Psychology
PSYC 314Psychology of GenderPSYC 399Transfer Elective
PSYC 321Methods & Stats I: Desc & CorrPSYC 471Rsrch Methds I:Design & Stats
PSYC 321LMethods & Stats I: Desc & Corr LabPSYC 471Rsrch Methds I:Design & Stats
PSYC 322Methods & Stats II: Exper & InferPSYC 472Rsch Methds II:Project Develop
PSYC 322LMethods & Stats II: Exper & Infer LabPSYC 472Rsch Methds II:Project Develop
PSYC 323Methods & Stats III: Conduct ResearPSYC 473Rsch Methds III:Rsrch Project
PSYC 323LMethods & Stats III: Conduct Resear LabPSYC 473Rsch Methds III:Rsrch Project
PSYC 452Behavioral NeurobiologyPSYC 399Transfer Elective
PSYC 478History and Systems of PsychologyPSYC 455History & Systems of Psyc
PSYC 482AAdv Sem: PrejudicePSYC 399Transfer Elective
PSYC 482MReligion and the BrainPSYC 399Transfer Elective
PSYC 488BPsychology and LawPSYC 399Transfer Elective


RELB 104Jesus and the GospelsRELB 104Ministry of Jesus
RELB 206Sacred Texts: Old Test/ScripturesRELB 111Messages of the Old Testament
RELB 207Sacred Texts: The Christian ScripturesRELB 198Transfer General Studies
RELB 309Readings in ScriptureRELB 398Transfer General Studies
RELB 309IReadings: Book of RevelationRELB 398Transfer General Studies
RELB 445Old Testament ArchaeologyRELB 398Transfer General Studies
RELB 445Old Testament ArchaeologyRELH 398Transfer General Studies
RELB 459CTopics: Sexuality in the OTRELB 399Transfer Elective
RELB 494Fieldwork Ancient Near East ArchaeologyRELH 490Archaeological Fieldwork


RELE 205Biblical Ethics in the Modern WorldRELT 198Transfer General Studies
RELE 205Biblical Ethics in the Modern WorldRELT 198Transfer General Studies
RELE 447Religion and SocietyHONR 349Religion in a Social Context


RELG 235Introduction to Religious StudiesRELT 198Transfer General Studies
RELG 237World ReligionsRELH 198Transfer General Studies
RELG 267Religious Faith and LifeRELT 198Transfer General Studies
RELG 370ECS Lewis, Lit & Religious LifeRELG 370ECS Lewis Literature


RELH 483History of Seventh-day AdventismRELH 457Hist of Adventism
RELH 495Reformation Lands ToursRELH 398Transfer General Studies


RELT 104Introduction to ChristianityRELT 198Transfer General Studies
RELT 104Introduction to ChristianityRELT 201Christian Way of Salvation
RELT 106Introduction to Seventh-day Adventist BeliefsRELT 110Intro to SDA Belief & Practice
RELT 245Christian BeliefsRELT 202Christian Beliefs


RLGN 304Advent in Global PerspectiveRELH 398Transfer General Studies
RLGN 305Religion in Three CulturesRELH 398Transfer General Studies
RLGN 305Religion in Three CulturesRELM 233Intro to Cross-Cultural Ministry
RLGN 306Sociocult Princ - Crosscult SvcNOEQ 399No Equivalency
RLGN 306FCrosscult Svc Field ExpNOEQ 199No Equivalency


SOCI 104General SociologySOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOCI 104Intro to SociologySOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOCI 404Foundations of Social ThoughtSOCI 399Transfer Elective
SOCI 414Sociology of the FamilySOCI 399Transfer Elective


SPAN 102Spanish IISPAN 102Elementary Spanish
SPAN 151Beginning Spanish ISPAN 101Elementary Spanish
SPAN 151LBeginning Spanish I LabNOEQ 199No Equivalency
SPAN 152Beginning Spanish IISPAN 102Elementary Spanish
SPAN 152LBeginning Spanish II LabNOEQ 199No Equivalency
SPAN 153Beginning Spanish IIISPAN 103Elementary Spanish
SPAN 153LBeginning Spanish III LabNOEQ 199No Equivalency
SPAN 201Intermediate Spanish ISPAN 201Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 201SSpanish FolkloreSPAN 201SSpanish Folklore
SPAN 204Interm Spanish Grammar ISPAN 251SIntermediate Spanish Grammar
SPAN 205Interm Spanish Grammar IISPAN 252SIntermediate Spanish Grammar
SPAN 207Intermed Spanish Comp ISPAN 261SIntermed Spanish Composition
SPAN 208Intermed Spanish Comp IISPAN 262SIntermed Spanish Composition
SPAN 209Intermed Spanish Comp IIISPAN 263SIntermed Spanish Composition
SPAN 211SIntermediate SpanishSPAN 211SIntermed Spanish
SPAN 212SIntermediate SpanishSPAN 212SIntermed Spanish
SPAN 213SIntermediate SpanishSPAN 213SIntermed Spanish
SPAN 216Intermed Spanish Conv IIISPAN 273SIntermed Spanish Conversation
SPAN 227Intermed Spanish Conv ISPAN 271SIntermed Spanish Conversation
SPAN 228Intermed Spanish Conv IISPAN 272SIntermed Spanish Conversation
SPAN 240AROrthographySPAN 240AOrthography
SPAN 241SPrep for Span Dipl: Dele-CieSPAN 241SDELE-CIE
SPAN 251SIntermed Span GrammarSPAN 251SIntermediate Spanish Grammar
SPAN 261SIntermed Span CompositionSPAN 261SIntermed Spanish Composition
SPAN 271SIntermed Span ConversationSPAN 271SIntermed Spanish Conversation
SPAN 311SSpain and Its CultureSPAN 311SSpain & Its Culture
SPAN 322Spain & Its CultureSPAN 312SSpain & Its Culture
SPAN 323Spain & Its CultureSPAN 313SSpain & Its Culture
SPAN 324Spanish Folklore ISPAN 399Transfer Elective
SPAN 325Spanish Folklore IISPAN 399Transfer Elective
SPAN 326Spanish Folklore IIISPAN 399Transfer Elective
SPAN 342SPrep for Span Dipl: Dele-DbeSPAN 342SDELE-DBE
SPAN 343SPrep for Span Dipl: Dele-DbeSPAN 343SDELE-DBE
SPAN 350SAdvanced Spanish GrammarSPAN 350SAdv Spanish Grammar
SPAN 351ARAdv Span Grammar ISPAN 351AAdv Spanish Grammar I
SPAN 352ARAdv Span Grammar ISPAN 352AAdv Spanish Grammar I
SPAN 352SAdv Span Grammar ISPAN 352SAdv Spanish Grammar
SPAN 353ARAdv Span Grammar ISPAN 353AAdv Spanish Grammar I
SPAN 353SAdv Span Grammar ISPAN 353SAdvanced Spanish Grammar I
SPAN 360SAdvanced Spanish CompositionSPAN 360SAdv Spanish Composition
SPAN 361ARAdv Span Composition ISPAN 361AAdv Spanish Composition
SPAN 362SAdv Span Composition ISPAN 362SAdvanced Spanish Composition I
SPAN 363SAdv Span Composition ISPAN 363SAdv Spanish Composition
SPAN 370SAdvanced Spanish ConversationSPAN 370SAdv Spanish Conversation
SPAN 371ARAdv Span Conversation ISPAN 371AAdv Spanish Conversation
SPAN 372SAdv Span Conversation ISPAN 372SAdv Spanish Conversation I
SPAN 373SAdv Span Conversation ISPAN 373SAdv Spanish Conversation I
SPAN 406Advanced Spanish GrammarSPAN 350SAdv Spanish Grammar
SPAN 422ARTranslation & InterpretationSPAN 422ATranslation & Interp
SPAN 423ARTranslation & InterpretationSPAN 423ATranslation & Interp
SPAN 451ARAdv Span Grammar IISPAN 451AAdv Spanish Grammar II
SPAN 452ARAdv Span Grammar IISPAN 452AAdv Spanish Grammar II
SPAN 453ARAdv Span Grammar IIISPAN 453AAdv Spanish Grammar II
SPAN 461ARAdv Span Composition IISPAN 461AAdv Spanish Composition II
SPAN 462ARAdv Span Composition IISPAN 462AAdv Spanish Composition II
SPAN 463ARAdv Span Composition IISPAN 463AAdv Spanish Composition II
SPAN 471ARAdv Span Conversation IISPAN 471AAdv Spanish Conversation II
SPAN 472ARAdv Span Conversation IISPAN 472AAdv Spanish Conversation II
SPAN 473ARAdv Span Conversation IISPAN 473AAdv Spanish Conversation II


SSCI 104Growing Up in AmericaSOCI 199Transfer Elective
SSCI 105Identity & SocietySOCI 199Transfer Elective
SSCI 106Childhood in Global PerspectiveNOEQ 199No Equivalency
SSCI 204Growing Up in AmericaSOCI 199Transfer Elective
SSCI 206Childhood in Glbl PerspectiveNOEQ 199No Equivalency
SSCI 207Gender & Law in Contemp SocSOCI 199Transfer Elective
SSCI 208Curr Events, Citizenship & IDNOEQ 199No Equivalency


UHNR 101Beginning to SeekHONR 199Transfer Elective
UHNR 114Scientific ProcessHONR 199Transfer Elective
UHNR 114LScientific Process LabHONR 199Transfer Elective
UHNR 115The ArtsART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
UHNR 115LThe Arts LabART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
UHNR 201Seminar in RhetoricHONR 199Transfer Elective
UHNR 314Changing CommunitiesHONR 399Transfer Elective
UHNR 364Honors Scholarship ColloquiumHONR 399Transfer Elective


UNST 100ACritical Thinking SkillsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
UNST 100BCritical Thinking SkillsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
UNST 100BStrategies/Academic Success INOEQ 199No Equivalency
UNST 100LCritical Thinking LabNOEQ 199No Equivalency
UNST 101AFirst Year SeminarNOEQ 199No Equivalency
UNST 101BFirst Year SeminarNOEQ 199No Equivalency
UNST 404GRel/Values/Social Resp: HealthNOEQ 399No Equivalency
UNST 404MRel/Mor/Soc Aspects/PsychNOEQ 399No Equivalency


WDLG 205ARGeography of Latin AmericaSPAN 205AGeography of Latin America
WDLG 211ARHistory/Church: South AmericaRELH 211AHistory of the Church in S. Am
WDLG 285SArt and MusicART 285SArt of Spanish Music
WDLG 292SGospel & Contemporary CultureRELB 292SGospel & Contemporary Culture
WDLG 293ARLanguage Through DramaSPAN 293ALanguage Through Drama
WDLG 293SSpanish Through DramaSPAN 199Transfer Elective
WDLG 301ARFolklore of ArgentinaSPAN 301AFolklore of Argentina
WDLG 302ARFolklore of ArgentinaSPAN 302AFolklore of Argentina
WDLG 306ARGeography of Latin AmericaSPAN 306AGeography of Argentina
WDLG 310ARContemp Religious OutlookRELH 310AContemporary Religious Outlook
WDLG 312SSpain and Its CultureSPAN 312SMexico & Its Culture
WDLG 332ARLatin American LiteratureSPAN 332ALatin American Literature
WDLG 332SHistory of European ArtSPAN 332SHist of Spanish Literature
WDLG 333ARLatin American LiteratureSPAN 333ALatin American Literature
WDLG 333SHistory of Spanish LiteratureSPAN 333SHist of Spanish Literature
WDLG 345ARHistory of ArgentinaSPAN 345AHistory of Argentina
WDLG 346ARHistory of ArgentinaSPAN 346AHistory of Argentina
WDLG 375SSpan for Health ProfessionalsSPAN 375SSpanish for Hlth Professionals
WDLG 381ARCurrent Events: South AmericaSPAN 381ACurrent Events South America
WDLG 397ARInternshipSPAN 397AInternship:
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